Note: Only Admins and Data & Moderation Managers can access or upload contacts Contacts are all your client data: name, phone number, company name, email, gender, position, marital status and date of birth)
Category: Contacts
What are the methods of adding your contacts?
Go to Contacts > Press the + button 1. Go to Contact page 2. Press add > add manually 1. Go to contact page 2. Press upload excel 3. Download template > fill it > save it on PC 4. Press upload > search file from PC 5. Add Labels to segment your uploaded contactsExample: […]
What are labels? Why should we use labels?
Labels are identifiers and categorization of contacts on the system. Labels will help in filtering of specific contacts to send , also will help in the outbound feature to be able to send a certain group of labeled contacts based on the preset labels.